You are here: Main Menu > 5. Receivables Menu > 3. Invoicing > Using Invoicing

Using Invoicing

The Invoicing option is used to print invoices either individually or as a batch run of all Ready Sales Orders. Only those sales orders or credit orders that have a status of Ready and Ok to Invoice set to yes are able to be invoiced with this option.

Based on user security and user options settings, Ready and Ok to Invoice orders can be printed in Sales Orders, Shipping, Dispatching, and Invoicing. Credit invoices are printed in Credit Orders and Invoicing.

Only Ready status sales orders and credit orders can be invoiced in Invoicing. Sales Orders are made Ready to Invoice in Sales Orders, Shipping, and Updating Shipping Papers based on the user's security and user options.

If the Ship/Invoice Approval setting in Shipping Options is set to either I=invoice approval only, or B=both invoice and shipping approvals, not only must the order be made Ready to invoice in Sales Orders, Shipping and/or Update Shipping Papers, but the order must also be approved for invoicing in Order Control.

The Zero Price Checking function allows the user to check for any orders for product that may be going out the door a with a zero selling price.

When you first enter into the invoicing option, a "Ready Orders" table appears, allowing you to EXIT this option, print an invoice alignment MASK in order to align printers, gain access to the invoice DATE field so that you can change the invoice date from the system date, check for zero PRICED orders before invoicing, or see a list of individual orders that have a status of ready to invoice and are approved for invoicing so that you can view and/or invoice the order.

Note: Only one person can use the invoicing option at any one time. "Invoicing in Use By [User Name] followed by "Invoicing in Use--Continue trying? No/Yes." If you select yes, the following message will appear: "Please verify that no one else is invoicing now!!! Press Space Bar. "Continue with invoicing anyway? No/Yes?" will appear. If you select yes another message will appear: "Are You Sure? You May Cause Duplicate Invoice Number Problems. No/Yes." If you select yes, you will receive a final message: "Are You Absolutely Sure? No/Yes." Select yes to invoice the order.

Note: The last invoice number available is 999999. When 999999 is reached, the next number will be 100000.

Note: You can change how the system sorts the ready orders in the window by either route (lowest number to highest) or customer (A to Z) by setting the "Sort By" field in Shipping Options to either route or customer.

Once selected from the menu the following window appears:


The following displays for each Ready Orders found:


CollapsedSelecting a Batch of Invoices to Print


CollapsedSelecting One Invoice to Print



CollapsedSelecting MASK


CollapsedSelecting DATE


CollapsedSelecting PRICE


Use the Available Actions links below for further information on invoices.

Available Actions Adding Changing Printing Voiding

Security Required : Receivables - Invoicing

See Also